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October 15, 2021


We took a tour of the Sunny Wing Group's mobile vending service, "Orange Mart". By actually seeing the mobile vending service in action, we learned about the issues facing the community.

移動販売車を見学しました! We inspected a mobile vending truck: ニュース


Why Mobile Sales in Niigata Island?

Niigata Island is an area surrounded by the Shinano River, the Sekiya watershed, and the Japan Sea. Why would this seemingly prosperous area have a mobile vending business that has the image of something that would be found in a depopulated area with an aging population? In fact, the population of Niigata Island is also aging. In addition, there are few supermarkets and many hills in the area.

移動販売車を見学しました! We inspected a mobile vending truck: 詳細


Ingenuity in Mobile Vending

  1. 普通のお店のようになるべく商品を並べることで、いろんな商品をお客さんに楽しんでもらうようにしている。

  2. 旬のものを仕入れることで、買い物を通して季節を感じてもらうようにしている。

  3. 夏にはパラソルを立て、日ざしをしのげるようにしている。

  1. The mobile vending trucks try to arrange the products as much as possible like a normal store so that customers can enjoy a variety of products.

  2. The mobile vending trucks try to stock seasonal products so that customers can feel the seasons through shopping.

  3. In the summer, parasols are set up to provide shelter from the sun.

移動販売車を見学しました! We inspected a mobile vending truck: 詳細


Needs in Day Care Services

  1. たいていの場合デイサービスから帰るとスーパーが閉まっている。移動販売車が来てくれると買い物ができる。

  2. 施設の中でも移動販売の旬の商品を通して季節を感じられる。

  1. In most cases, the supermarket is closed when I return from the day service. When the mobile vending trucks come, the day service users can do their shopping.

  2. The day service users can feel the season through the seasonal products of the mobile vending trucks even in the facility.

移動販売車を見学しました! We inspected a mobile vending truck: 詳細


To Achieve CSV

  1. CSVの観点からして、理想は移動販売事業単体で事業として成り立つことだが、必ずしもそうはなっていない

  2. 現状、移動販売事業は広告替わり

  3. 事業開始2年目に、多くの集客を見込んだ拠点で、住民から遠巻きに見られるなどしてまったく人が来ず、拠点から3カ月で撤退したことがある。バスやタクシーで行くような遠くのスーパーで数十円安く売っていたことを住民から指摘された。交通費ぶんのお金を計算に入れてもらえないことにカルチャーショックを受けた。

  1. From the perspective of CSV, the ideal situation would be for the mobile vending business to be a stand-alone business, but this is not necessarily the case.

  2. Currently, the mobile vending business is a substitute for advertising.

  3. In the second year of the business, a base that was expected to attract a large number of customers did not attract any customers at all, as residents looked at them distantly, and the mobile vending withdrew from the base within three months. Residents pointed out that we were selling our products for tens of yen cheaper at supermarkets far away, where they had to take buses or cabs. It was a culture shock to me that they did not include the money for transportation in their calculations.

移動販売車を見学しました! We inspected a mobile vending truck: 詳細
移動販売車を見学しました! We inspected a mobile vending truck: Pro Gallery
移動販売車を見学しました! We inspected a mobile vending truck: HTML の埋め込み

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